Emprog offers a legacy stock of ST Evaluation boards, kits and Discovery boards to its users. If you have an existing embedded application that was developed once using an off-the-shelf board, and you need to review and make updates to that application, then having that same board is the best start.
Emprog stock of STmicro board and kits will help many users getting started again on their legacy code application.
Here is a list of boards and kits available and ready to be shipped:
STMicro Evaluation and Disco Boards
STEVAL-IDB007V1 STM32L4R9I STM32F103 Nucleo STM32F411 Nucleo-64 STM32L053 Disco STM32L476 Nucleo STM32F746 Disco STM32F469 Disco STM32F429 Disco STM32L476 Disco STM32F446 Nucleo-64 STM32L152 Nucleo STM32L152 Disco STM32F401 Nucleo STM32F030 Value Line Nucleo STM32100E STM320518 |
STM32L476G STM32072B STM32L152D STM32746G STM32429I STM32469I STM32756G STM3240G STM32746G-PROTO STM32446E STM32L496G-Disco STM32F401 Nucleo-64 STM32H743I-EVAL STM32F0-Disco STM32L-Disco STM32F769-Disco |
For more info on any of the above, please contact Emprog with the part numbers you need and your ship-to location
Other Tools Supporting STM32 MCUs and MPUs
– GangProgrammers
– C/C++ Development tools
– JTAG probes